- Colas Danmark A/S
- 4598 9898
- colas@colas.dk
- Fabriksparken 40, 2600 Glostrup
- CVR: 10 24 64 15
Colas Active Sealing
Colas Active Sealing has many advantages and is a good alternative to new asphalt.
Benefits of Colas Active Sealing:
- An individual product designed for each particular road and its state of degradation
- Attractive price and work efficient
- Significant ability to penetrate the asphalt
- Softens the existing bitumen and adds more bitumen
- Makes old bitumen flexible and strong again
- Stronger pavement without aggregate loss
- Rebuilds the asphalt mortar and retains the surface friction
- Less water penetrates the wearing course.

Colas Active Sealing extends the servicelife of asphalt pavements
Colas Active Sealing is a unique product that extends the service life of asphalt pavements. The sealant regenerates the flexibility and adhesive properties of the binder and is ideally suited for application on old surface dressings with commencing aggregate loss.
Adds up to 30-40% to the expected service life of the pavement
Colas Active Sealing adds up to 30-40% to the expected service life and subsequent follow-up treatment will result in further extension of the service life.
Promotes sustainability
When you postpone the need for milling and laying of new asphalt, you save raw materials and reduce the carbon footprint.
Product use
The individual designed product can be applied to all types of roads, paths, cycle paths, squares, car parks, civil and military airports, tracks, racetracks etc.
Colas Active Sealing is the preferred sealant in several Danish and international airports.
Contact us for more information.